On 23rd May 2019 an election will be held for the European Parliament.
The Conservative Candidates for the South East region (of which Spelthorne is a part) are:
- Daniel Hannan
- Nirj Deva
- Richard Robinson
- Michael Whiting
- Juliette Ash
- Anna Firth
- Adrian Pepper
- Clarence Mitchell
- Neva Sadikoglu-Novaky
- Caroline Newton
On 2nd May 2019 an election were held for the 39 seats on Spelthorne Borough Council.
The links below are to the ward page and individual candidates pages
Ashford Common ward
Clare Barratt - Elected
Richard Barratt - Elected
Robert Noble - Elected
Ashford East ward
John Boughtflower - Elected
Rose Chandler - Elected
Tony Mitchell - Elected
Ashford North and Stanwell South ward
Amar Brar - Elected
Satvinder Buttar - Elected
Joanne Sexton - Elected
Ashford Town ward
Nick Gething - Elected
Naz Islam - Elected
Olivia Rybinski - Elected
Halliford and Sunbury West ward
Anna Nowicka - unsuccessful
Anthony Jones - unsuccessful
Buddhi Weerasinghe - unsuccessful
Laleham and Shepperton Green ward
Maureen Attewell - Elected
Mary Madams - Elected
Richard Smith-Ainsley - Elected
Riverside and Laleham ward
Michele Gibson - Elected
Tony Harman - Elected
Howard Williams - unsuccessful
Shepperton Town ward
Colin Barnard - Elected
Vivienne Leighton - Elected
Robin Sider - Elected
Staines ward
Mark Francis - unsuccessful
Sinead Mooney - unsuccessful
Jean Pinkerton - unsuccessful
Staines South ward
Steve Burkmar - unsuccessful
Sabine Capes - unsuccessful
Richard Smith - unsuccessful
Stanwell North ward
Jekaterina Barratt - unsuccessful
Joshua Jogo - unsuccessful
James McIlroy - Elected
Sunbury Common ward
Alison Griffiths - unsuccessful
Niki Molnar - unsuccessful
Alex Sapunovas - unsuccessful
Sunbury East
Helen Harvey - Elected
Ian Harvey - Elected
Daxa Patel - unsuccessful